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Tutorial: Hello World

This page guide you through creating your first hello world script. A script is a a set of actions that will be executed automatically by the framework. It is designed independently of the environment where it will be executed. At runtime, the framework will make sure that the script executes on the selected environment. Therefore, every time a script is executed two parameters need to be provided: the script name and the environment name where the script needs to be executed on.

In this tutorial we will create a script helloworld that will execute a dummy action.


Create configuration

First, we will create the configuration file for the script:

type: Script
  type: "script"
  name: "helloworld"
  description: "Hello World Tutorial Script"
  - number: 1
    type: "fwk.dummy"
    name: "HelloWorld"
    description: "HelloWorld Action"
    errorExpected: "N"
    errorStop: "N"
    parameters: []

Load configuration

Next, we will load the configuration file into the configuration repository:


./ -load -type general


./iesi-metadata.cmd -load -type general

This allows you to store/load your created ‘HelloWorld’-script in the configured central repository. You will now be able to execute your script with the next command(s).

Execute the script

Finally, we will execute the script:


./ -script helloworld -env tutorial


./iesi-launch.cmd -script helloworld -env tutorial

The following type output will appear on the screen:

Option -script (script) value = helloworld
Option -version (version) value = 
Option -env (environment) value = tutorial
Option -paramlist (parameter list) value = 
Option -paramfile (parameter file) value = 
Option -actions (actions) value = 
Option -settings (settings) value = 
Option -impersonation (impersonation) value = 
Option -impersonate (impersonate) value = 

2019-04-01 08:25:14,057 INFO  [iesi] - option.script=helloworld
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.version=-1
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.file=
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.env=tutorial
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.paramlist=
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.paramfile=
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.actionselect=
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.settings=
2019-04-01 08:25:14,059 INFO  [iesi] - option.impersonation=
2019-04-01 08:25:14,065 INFO  [iesi] - option.impersonate=
2019-04-01 08:25:14,267 INFO  [iesi] - exec.runid=e229be7a-914f-4b3f-a598-b635ef7b5c28
2019-04-01 08:25:14,494 INFO  [iesi] -
2019-04-01 08:25:14,494 INFO  [iesi] - exec.env=tutorial
2019-04-01 08:25:14,514 INFO  [iesi] -
2019-04-01 08:25:14,833 INFO  [iesi] - action.status=SUCCESS
2019-04-01 08:25:14,837 INFO  [iesi] - script.status=SUCCESS
2019-04-01 08:25:14,838 INFO  [iesi] - script.output=


We have now created a Hello World script and executed it on the tutorial environment. We can now start building scripts with additional functionalities.


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