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In order to get you quickly up and running with IESI, we recommend you to follow explore our IESI Starter Kit and set up your configuration for first use. Once this is completed, have a look at the IESI Core Concepts to get a better understanding of how the framework works and communicates with the different configurations.

Each core concept is also linked to a range of exercises and dedicated tutorials. Eager to start and explore the possibilities? Have a look at the tutorials page!

Getting started with automation

The automation framework is designed around the principle to configure scripts once and execute them many times. The system landscape is defined upfront so that it can be referred to while designing scripts.

We summarize the process of automating in four key steps:

![IESI Core Concepts]((/iesi/images/icons/concepts_with_steps.png)

1. Define the system landscape
Before we can design our script, we need to think about the following questions: On which systems will the actions be performed? How can our framework connect to these systems? How can I call these connectivity end points? … We thus need to configure the necessary definitions in order to get started on our script design. For this, we will get acquainted with the following:

Learn more here

2. Configure the script
Design your script by defining a set of actions that need to be executed in a specific sequence. Depending on the type of action you would like to perform, IESI has embedded the notion of action types which will help the user by limiting the required effort. We will get acquainted with the following concepts of script building:

Learn more here

3. Execute the script
Once the design has been finalized and the system landscape has been configured, it is time to execute your script by loading it into the repository and executing it through the interface. We will get acquainted with the following concepts of script execution:

4. Verify the result
Validate your result through the IESI interface, by complementing IESI with reporting tooling or by simply having a look in your central repository.