Action types
Action types are the reusable building blocks of automation scripts. Each type performs a specific operations and requires a different set of input parameters.
The action types are prefix based on a action category:
Prefix | Category |
cli | Command line instructions |
conn | Connectivity operations |
data | Data related operations |
eval | Evaluation operations |
fho | File handling operations |
fwk | Framework operations |
http | Http-based operations |
sql | Database SQL operations |
wfa | Wait for activity operations |
The table provides an overview of all action types. Additional details on the parameters per action type are provided below.
Action Type | Status | Description |
action.execute | beta | (Re-)execute an action that is already defined in the script |
cli.executeCommand | stable | Run a Shell Command |
conn.isAlive | alpha | Verify if the connection can be reached |
conn.setStageConnection | beta | Define a stage connection that can be used in any next step |
data.compareDataset | experimental | Compare two datasets |
data.outputDataset | experimental | Prints a dataset for logging and debugging purposes |
data.setDatasetConnection | stable | Define a dataset connection that can be used in any next action |
ddl.generateFromFile | alpha | Generates a ddl from a framework file structure |
eval.assertEquals | stable | Evaluate if two values are equal |
eval.executeExpression | stable | Evaluate an expression using scripted syntax |
eval.verifyMandatoryField | beta | Check if mandatory fields are filled out |
eval.verifySingleField | beta | Check a single field against a specific rule |
fho.createFolder | experimental | Create a folder |
fho.deleteFile | experimental | Delete one or more files in a folder |
fho.deleteFolder | experimental | Delete one or more folders and all contents |
fho.executeFileTransfer | stable | Transfer one or more files between locations |
fho.fileExists | experimental | Verify if a file exists |
fho.folderExists | experimental | Verify if a folder exists |
fwk.dummy | stable | Dummy for adding a placeholder step |
fwk.executeScript | stable | Execute another script |
fwk.executeSuite | alpha | Execute a test suite of multiple scripts |
fwk.exitScript | beta | Exit the script execution |
fwk.includeScript | stable | Include the actions of another script and execute as one script |
fwk.outputMessage | stable | Prints a message for logging and debugging purposes |
fwk.route | alpha | Route to one or more specific actions |
fwk.setEnvironment | stable | Set the environment where the next steps will be executed on |
fwk.setIteration | stable | Define an interation that can be used in any next action |
fwk.setParameterFile | stable | Load a parameter file as runtime variables |
fwk.setParameterList | stable | Load a list of parameters as runtime variables |
fwk.setParameterValue | stable | Set a parameter value as runtime variable |
fwk.setRepository | alpha | Define a repository that can be used in any next action |
fwk.startIteration | alpha | Start an iteration block for the steps |
fwk.stopIteration | alpha | Stop the iteration block |
http.executeRequest | stable | Execute a http request |
java.parseJar | alpha | Parses a Java archive file |
mod.soapui | alpha | Run a SOAP UI test scope |
script.logOutput | stable | Store an output value as part of the script results |
socket.transmitMessage | stable | Execute a socket message transfer |
sql.defineDataset | alpha | Define a SQL dataset |
sql.evaluateResult | stable | Checks if a SQL query returns a result or not |
sql.executeProcedure | experimental | Execute a SQL Stored Procedure |
sql.executeQuery | stable | Run a SQL query |
sql.executeStatement | stable | Run a SQL statement (not returning any result) |
sql.setIterationVariables | experimental | Retrieve iteration variables using a SQL Statement |
sql.setRuntimeVariables | stable | Retrieve runtime variables using a SQL Statement |
wfa.executeFilePing | stable | Wait until a File Statement returns a result or not |
wfa.executeQueryPing | stable | Wait until a SQL query returns a result or not |
wfa.executeWait | stable | Wait for a defined interval |
wfa.getConfirmation | experimental | Wait for user confirmation |
For more information on the status definition, please refer to the legend page.
Description: (Re-)execute an action that is already defined in the script
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Name of the action to execute | string | Y |
Description: Run a Shell Command
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
path | Path where to run the command from | string | N |
command | Command to run | string | Y |
setRuntimeVariables | Flag indicating if environment variables will be set as a runtime variable | string | N |
setRuntimeVariablesPrefix | Prefix that will be used when retrieving or setting the variables | string | N |
setRuntimeVariablesMode | Mode used to retrieve or set the variables | string | N |
output | Will be used to store the system output | string | N |
connection | Connection where to run the shell command | string | Y |
Description: Verify if the connection can be reached
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
connection | Connection to check | string | Y |
Description: Define a stage connection that can be used in any next step
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
stage | Name of the stage connection | string | Y |
cleanup | Flag to indicate if the stage connection needs to be cleaned up after processing | string | N |
Description: Compare two datasets
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
leftDataset | Dataset to compare | string | N |
rightDataset | Dataset to compare against | string | N |
mapping | Mapping to use for comparing the dataset | string | N |
Description: Prints a dataset for logging and debugging purposes
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Name of the dataset to use | string | Y |
labels | Labels associated to the dataset instance | string | N |
onScreen | Flag indicating if the output needs to be printed on the screen | string | N |
Description: Define a dataset connection that can be used in any next action
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Reference name for the dataset definition | string | Y |
type | Type of dataset | string | N |
dataset | Dataset to use | string | Y |
labels | Labels associated to the dataset instance | string | N |
Description: Generates a ddl from a framework file structure
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
inputPath | File path where the input file name resides | string | N |
inputFile | File name of the input for generation | string | Y |
type | Repository type for the generation | string | Y |
outputPath | File path where to store the generation result | string | N |
outputFile | File name to use for storing the generation result | string | Y |
Description: Evaluate if two values are equal
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
expected | Expected value to evaluate | string | Y |
actual | Actual value to evaluate | string | Y |
Description: Evaluate an expression using scripted syntax
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
expression | Expression to evaluate | string | Y |
Description: Check if mandatory fields are filled out
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
database | Name of the database containing the schema to check | string | N |
schema | Name of the schema containing the table to check | string | N |
table | Name of the table containing the field to check | string | Y |
field | Name of the field to check | string | Y |
evaluationField | Optional evaluation field to include in the check | string | N |
evaluationValue | Optional evaluation value to include in the check | string | N |
isMandatory | Flag to indicate if the field must be filled out or not | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the check is executed | string | Y |
Description: Check a single field against a specific rule
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
database | Name of the database containing the schema to check | string | N |
schema | Name of the schema containing the table to check | string | N |
table | Name of the table containing the field to check | string | Y |
field | Name of the field to check | string | Y |
check | Name of the check to perform | string | Y |
operator | Operation to use for the check | string | Y |
value | Value to use when performing the check | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the check is executed | string | Y |
Description: Create a folder
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
path | Path where the folder will be located | string | N |
folder | Folder to create | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the folder will be located | string | N |
Description: Delete one or more files in a folder
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
path | Path where the file is located | string | N |
file | File(s) to delete | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the file is located | string | N |
Description: Delete one or more folders and all contents
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
path | Path where the folder is located | string | N |
folder | Folder(s) to delete | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the folder is located | string | N |
Description: Transfer one or more files between locations
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
sourceFilePath | Path where file(s) to transfer are located | string | Y |
sourceFileName | File name or expression for the file(s) to transfer | string | Y |
sourceConnection | Connection where the file(s) to transfer are located | string | Y |
targetFilePath | Path where the file(s) need to be transfered to | string | Y |
targetFileName | File name or expression for the file(s) to transfer | string | Y |
targetConnection | Connection where the file(s) need to be transfered to | string | Y |
Description: Verify if a file exists
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
path | Path where the file is located | string | N |
file | File to verify | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the file is located | string | N |
Description: Verify if a folder exists
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
path | Path where the folder is located | string | N |
folder | Folder to verify | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the folder will be located | string | N |
Description: Dummy for adding a placeholder step
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
Description: Execute another script
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
script | Script name to execute | string | Y |
environment | Environment name where the execution needs to take place | string | N |
paramList | List of parameters to use | string | N |
paramFile | Parameter file to use | string | N |
version | Version of the script to run | string | N |
Description: Execute a test suite of multiple scripts
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
component | Component for which to run a suite | string | Y |
suite | Suite name to execute | string | Y |
version | Version of the suite to run | string | Y |
build | Build of the version to run | string | N |
connection | Connection where the suite is stored | string | Y |
componentPath | Path to the component in the repository | string | Y |
suitePath | Path to the suite in the repository | string | Y |
versionPath | Path to the suite in the repository | string | Y |
buildPath | Path to the build in the repository | string | Y |
asset | Definition of the build asset | string | Y |
environment | Environment name where the execution needs to take place | string | N |
Description: Exit the script execution
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
status | Exit status for the script | string | N |
Description: Include the actions of another script and execute as one script
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
script | Script name to execute | string | Y |
version | Version of the script to run | string | N |
Description: Prints a message for logging and debugging purposes
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
message | Message to be printed | string | N |
onScreen | Flag indicating if the message needs to be printed on the screen | string | N |
Description: Route to one or more specific actions
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
condition | Condition to apply to follow a route | string | N |
destination | Destination to go to if the condition is met | string | N |
Description: Set the environment where the next steps will be executed on
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
environment | Environment name where the next action will be executed on | string | N |
Description: Define an interation that can be used in any next action
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Name of the iteration to define | string | Y |
type | The type of iteration that will be performed | string | Y |
list | Identifier for the list name that is used to iterate on | string | N |
values | List values to iterate over | string | N |
from | Value to start the iteration | number | N |
to | Value to end the iteration | number | N |
step | Value to use for incrementing or decrementing the iteration | number | N |
condition | Condition to apply for the iteration | string | N |
interrupt | Define if an iteration needs to break if an error inside occurs | string | N |
Description: Load a parameter file as runtime variables
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
filePath | Path where the file(s) need to be located | string | Y |
fileName | File name or expression to check for availability | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the file is located | string | Y |
Description: Load a list of parameters as runtime variables
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
list | List of parameters and values to set as runtime variables | string | Y |
Description: Set a parameter value as runtime variable
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Name of the parameter to set as runtime variable | string | Y |
value | Value to set for the runtime variable | string | Y |
Description: Define a repository that can be used in any next action
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Reference name for the repository definition | string | Y |
repository | Name of the repository | string | Y |
instance | Name of the repository instance | string | N |
labels | Labels associated to the repository instance | string | N |
Description: Start an iteration block for the steps
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
Description: Stop the iteration block
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
Description: Execute a http request
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
type | Type of request | string | Y |
request | Name of the request to use | string | Y |
setRuntimeVariables | Flag indicating if an expected result will be set as a runtime variable | string | N |
body | Body of the request | string | N |
setDataset | Set the results to a dataset | string | N |
expectedStatusCodes | expected status codes from response | string | N |
proxy | proxy | string | N |
Description: Parses a Java archive file
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
path | Path where the file is located | string | N |
file | File(s) to parse | string | Y |
connection | Connection where the file is located | string | N |
Description: Run a SOAP UI test scope
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
project | SOAP UI xml project file | string | Y |
suite | Test suite to execute | string | N |
case | Test case to execute | string | N |
Description: Store an output value as part of the script results
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Name of the output | string | Y |
value | Value for the output | string | N |
Description: Execute a socket message transfer
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
socket | Name of socket connection | string | Y |
message | Message to transmit | string | Y |
protocol | What protocol to use (TCP/UDP) | string | Y |
output | Reference name of the output dataset | string | N |
timeout | timeout value to wait for response | string | N |
Description: Define a SQL dataset
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
name | Reference name for the dataset definition | string | Y |
statement | SQL statement that defines the dataset | string | Y |
identifier | Unique identifier for records in the dataset | string | Y |
Description: Checks if a SQL query returns a result or not
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
query | SQL query to run | string | Y |
hasResult | Flag indicating if the SQL query should return a result | string | Y |
connection | Connection where to run the SQL query | string | Y |
Description: Execute a SQL Stored Procedure
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
procedure | SQL Stored Procedure to run | string | Y |
connection | Connection where to run the SQL Stored Procedure | string | Y |
parameters | Parameters to use for the execution | string | N |
outputDataset | Dataset to write the output to | string | N |
appendOutput | Flag indicating if previous output needs to be removed | string | N |
Description: Run a SQL query
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
query | SQL query to run | string | Y |
connection | Connection where to run the SQL query | string | Y |
outputDataset | Dataset to write the output to | string | N |
appendOutput | Flag indicating if previous output needs to be removed | string | N |
Description: Run a SQL statement (not returning any result)
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
statement | SQL statement to run | string | Y |
connection | Connection where to run the SQL statement | string | Y |
Description: Retrieve iteration variables using a SQL Statement
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
list | Identifier for the list name that is used | string | Y |
query | SQL query to run | string | Y |
connection | Connection where to run the SQL query | string | Y |
Description: Retrieve runtime variables using a SQL Statement
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
query | SQL query to run | string | Y |
connection | Connection where to run the SQL query | string | Y |
Description: Wait until a File Statement returns a result or not
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
filePath | Path where the file(s) need to be located | string | Y |
fileName | File name or expression to check for availability | string | Y |
hasResult | Flag indicating if the file should be available or not | string | Y |
setRuntimeVariables | Flag indicating if an expected result will be set as a runtime variable | string | N |
connection | Connection where the file(s) will be located | string | Y |
wait | Number of seconds to wait between checks | number | N |
timeout | Number of seconds to wait for a result | number | N |
Description: Wait until a SQL query returns a result or not
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
query | SQL query to run | string | Y |
hasResult | Flag indicating if the SQL query should retun a result | string | Y |
setRuntimeVariables | Flag indicating if an expected result will be set as a runtime variable | string | N |
connection | Connection where to run the SQL query | string | Y |
wait | Number of seconds to wait between checks | number | N |
timeout | Number of seconds to wait for a result | number | N |
Description: Wait for a defined interval
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
wait | Number of seconds to wait | number | N |
Description: Wait for user confirmation
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
type | Type of confirmation | string | N |
question | Question to get confirmation for | string | N |
timeout | Number of seconds to wait for a confirmation | number | N |