This connection is for Apache Drill schema free sql query engine.
Get more information at https://drill.apache.org/.
Use cases
- SQL query engine abstraction
- Big data testing
1: mode
mode: "connection mode"
- define the connection mode to use: drillbit, zookeeper
2: cluster
cluster: "cluster names"
- define the drillbit or zookeeper nodes including optional ports: node[:port],node[:port],etc
3: directory
directory: "directory name"
- define the optional drill directory in zookeeper which by default is drill
4: clusterId
clusterId: "cluster id"
- define the optional cluster id which by default is drillbits1
5: schema
schema: "schema name"
- define the optional name of a storage plugin configuration to use as the default for queries
6: tries
tries: "tries parameter"
- define the optional tries parameter for drillbit connections
type: Connection
name: "db.drill.1"
type: "db.drill"
description: "db.drill connection"
environment: "iesi-test"
- name: "mode"
value: "drillbit"
- name: "cluster"
value: "localhost"