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Way of working for contributions

Branching strategy

The way of working is organised according to the the git branching strategy described here.



Register a new feature or bug

New features or bugs are submitted as issues in the Github repository here. Each issues is detailed as needed and provided with an ID at the end of the description. This ID can be generated from and added to the descripion.

ID: the first 7 digits of the sha1 hash generated from the issue title

Get the code to start working

To start working, always branch of develop. Make sure to checkout and refresh the branch!

Next, create a branch for the issue - feature or bug using the following naming convention:

Do avoid blank spaces in the short title!

Do your magic

This is where you be the best you can be and do your magic.

Create a pull request

Once finished, create a pull request from the feature/bug branch into the develop branch using Hub.

hub pull-request -b develop -i [issue-number]

The -b develop option ensures that the pull request is performed against the develop branch instead of the default master branch.

Finally, follow-up on the review of the pull request and provide any feedback / updates as needed.